Changing the Narrative


July 15, 2024

Attorney Alex Taubes has dedicated his time to giving incarcerated individuals a second chance at life and allowing them to show the community the refined person they’ve become. Taubes has represented a variety of people with different charges. From felony murder to home invasions and sexual assaults, Taubes is a champion in Connecticut of getting the most sentence modifications and commutations granted. Through all his victories, his clients returned home to their loved ones and proved to the Board of Pardons and Paroles how much their commutation was needed. 

One of his most recent clients, Jason Lminggio, is a prime example of a changed and inspirational individual who served well beyond the reasonable sentence for his crime. He was deserving and dedicated his time in prison by giving back to his community and improving his character. 

“Society would receive an example of prisoner reform, a walking, living testament of change and personal growth. I will be an example of what could happen if a young teen who was lost and misguided took the time to learn how to function and work the way that I have to rehabilitate himself.” 

(Jason Lminggio) 

In efforts to get a commutation for Mr. Lminggio, Attorney Taubes had produced a strong application advocating for his release. In this application, Attorney Taubes made sure to include a statement from one of Mr. Lminggio’s previous attorneys who emphasized his strong stance on Mr. Lminggio’s improved character and release.  

“He struck me as being decidedly in that majority of people who, despite the traumas they endured and inflicted as youths, have turned themselves around, and would rejoice at the opportunity to breathe the outside air as free people once again….In short, I would be comfortable and content if Jason were my next door neighbor. I sincerely hope you win him that chance.” 

(Attorney W. Theodore Koch III)  

By 2022, Jason Lminggio had served 23 years out of his 43-year sentence for first-degree manslaughter. Mr. Lminggio received this sentence at the age of sixteen in 1998. Since then, he has shown nothing but growth and maturity. As part of his application for commutation, several correctional officers and correctional counselors have written letters about Mr. Lminggio’s work ethic, character, and growth. For some, this was only their second time writing a letter out of their 20+ years in the field.  

“Writing letters such as this is out of the norm for me, but it is rare that an inmate carries himself and displays character the way Mr. Lminggio has done and continues to do so. Mr. Lminggio is an asset to Cheshire Industries and is a model inmate.”  (Correctional Officer) 

An occurring theme in these letters was respect. Each letter contained multiple sentences and referred to situations in which Mr. Lminggio has always remained respectful to staff and his peers. Beyond his manners, the staff mentioned how Mr. Lminggio took the initiative to take on tasks to improve his skill set. He dedicated his time to the Lifers Group which helps at-risk youth. Mr. Lminggio also led the photo program that gives family members time to capture moments with their loved ones. All the proceeds from this program went to charities and future programs that Mr. Lminggio was involved in.  

“Mr. Lminggio is a good role model for the Lifers Group to where the members look up to him and respect the ideas and options that he shares in the group”  (Correctional Officer) 

“He is serious about the work he contributes to the group in helping it build a respected character by giving back to the community. He finds strength in being able to share his story with at risk youth with the hopes of them not making the same mistakes.”  (Correctional Counselor)

Aside from the staff, Jason Lminggio received numerous letters of support from his family to advocate for his release. So much so that these letters’ quality was imperative to his commutation decision. Each family member spoke about their personal relationship and memories with Mr. Lminggio. His family was able to provide warm letters that allowed the board to see another side of him. Additionally, his sisters emphasized the impact he has on his nieces and nephews’ lives, which was produced through 15-minute phone calls weekly. Although they wish the phone calls were longer, Mr. Lminggio was still able to be a present uncle in their lives. 

“My Children absolutely adore their uncle. He keeps them grounded… He never misses a beat when it comes to us” (Nina Dumas) 

Mr. Lminggio’s mentorship did not stop within the facility. He uses his gift of leadership to provide guidance to his nieces and nephews. Because of Mr. Lminggios strong presence in his family’s life, one of his nieces wrote a passion-felt letter of support that speaks to the depths of their relationship.  

“…I knew whenever my uncle called, he was going to either give me knowledge or valuable advice. He is one of the few role models in my life. My uncle Jason couldn’t do more for me behind bars. He has made a significant impact on my life.” 

“I wasn’t alive when he made those poor decisions, but I do in fact know my uncle now. I know he’s an intellectual and warm hearted man who cares for his family. I’m ready for him to teach me more things and make the family proud.” (Jahnyah Howell) 

Other family members took this opportunity to explain how they would help Mr. Lminggio rejoin society and be a productive contributing member of society. They have arranged for Mr. Lminggio to live with them and provide him the full support of health care resources. 

“I will be giving Jason full time employment and a place to live if he needs it… I have been in business for myself for 15 years now and counting doing home improvement work throughout the state of Connecticut.” (Jackie Stewart) 

From going through Mr. Lminggio’s commutation application, it is clear that Attorney Taubes worked closely with the family to allow them to have an impact on their loved one’s commutation, and to be actively involved with Mr. Lminggio’s case. The family is grateful for the opportunity that Taubes has offered as they feel that they have had a positive impact on Mr. Lminggio’s release. With Attorney Taubes’ hard work and with the family’s help, they were able to change the forced narrative of Jason Lminggio.  

Attorney Alexander Taubes’ dedication to his client allowed Mr. Lminggio to be relieved of 17 years of his 43-year sentence. He was released in July 2022, allowing him to spend his first moments as a free man in the summer with his family. Jason Lminggio’s commutation allowed him to fully act as the man that his family advocated for.   

“It is a rare thing when you can find a lawyer who is genuine. That’s exactly what Alex is. He believed in me enough to fight for me, and in doing so he was able to get me early release. 

Since being home, I have been able to use the tools I learned in prison to live an honest and successful life. I am proud to be a contributing member of society. I hope to be able to use my life experience to help mentor the younger generation. It’s so easy at that age to fall into the wrong crowd and head down the wrong path. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to believe in you, and your potential to make you succeed in life.

Thanks to Alex, I can be a source of inspiration and motivation to society and show them that reform and redemption are possible.” (Jason Lminggio)

Jason Lminggio kept his promise to be a mentor and a positive contributor to society by securing his niece her first internship at the Alexander Taubes law firm. 

Written by Jahnyah Howell
