Holding Manufacturers Accountable

Seeking Justice for Victims of Defective Products

At Taubes Law, we represent clients with product liability cases encompassing various issues, including defective design, manufacturing flaws, and inadequate warnings or instructions. Establishing liability often involves proving negligence, strict liability, or breach of warranty.  Complexities arise from the need to demonstrate causation between the product defect and the plaintiff’s injury or damages.

Navigating jurisdictional challenges, statutes of limitations, and the involvement of multiple parties can complicate proceedings; and. determining the extent of damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, requires thorough assessment.

We Specialize

Product Liability Areas of Focus

In obtaining compensation for our clients, we make manufacturers’  products safer for everyone.

Understanding Product Liability Laws

Empowering Victims in Automotive Defect Litigation

Whether you are singularly injured or a party in a class action suit, we can effectively take on an automaker in a defective car product case. Major causes of automobile defects include design flaws, manufacturing errors, and inadequate quality control. These defects involve rigorous investigations, expert assessments, and legal action to ensure accountability and compensation for injuries or damages. 

We can tap into advocacy groups or consumer organizations for support and visibility. When necessary, we collaborate with specialized attorneys to be you most trusted and effective partner.

Seeking Compensation for Damages

When it comes to product liability cases, choosing the right attorney is crucial to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. 

At Taubes Law we have a deep understanding of the complex legal issues involved in product liability cases. We are well-versed in the relevant statutes, regulations, and case law, allowing us to build strong and compelling arguments on behalf of our clients.

By choosing Taubes Law as your legal representation for your product liability case, you can benefit from our expertise, track record of success, resources, and personalized attention.


Alexander T. Taubes

Pursuing Justice for Defective Products

Holding Medical Device Companies Accountable for Defective Products

A major medical equipment defect can injure you in various ways. Pacemakers, surgical tools, or imaging machines, may fail, causing direct harm; and faulty readings or misinterpretations from diagnostic equipment can exacerbate health issues. Additionally, defective implants or prosthetics can result in complications, requiring corrective surgeries or lifelong care. These injuries can result in emotional distress, financial burdens, and long-term disabilities, significantly impacting patient’s quality of life and well-being. You need a qualified and trusted law firm by your side.

Free Evaluation Form

Turn to Taubes Law for a free, no obligation consultation. Fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss your case.

Contact Us Today To Schedule A Free Consultation

It is best to talk about your case as soon as you have questions. To schedule a free consultation, call New Haven office today at 203-909-0048 or fill out consultation form.