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Medical Malpractice Experts

Experienced Advocates for Victims of Medical Errors

At Taubes Law, we are dedicated to advocating for individuals who have suffered from medical malpractice. We specialize in fighting for the rights of those who have been harmed by negligent medical care. 

We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that medical malpractice can take on victims and their families, and we are committed to providing strong legal representation to help them seek justice and fair compensation. 

With our in-depth knowledge of medical malpractice law and a track record of successful cases, we are prepared to vigorously pursue the best possible outcome for our clients.

We Specialize

Medical Malpractice Areas of Focus

We have the experience and the compassion to handle the many ways  malpractice can affect your life. 

Empowering Medical Negligence Victims

How Medical Malpractice Occurs

Medical malpractice can occur due to various factors such as misdiagnosis, surgical errors, medication mistakes, negligent treatment, or failure to obtain informed consent. These errors may stem from a healthcare provider’s incompetence, lack of communication, fatigue, or inadequate training. 

Issues within healthcare systems, such as understaffing or faulty equipment, can contribute to malpractice. Failure to adhere to established medical standards, disregard for patient safety protocols, or breaches of duty of care are common underlying causes. Ultimately, medical malpractice arises when patients suffer harm or injury due to the negligence or wrongful actions of healthcare professionals or institutions.

Standing Up Against Medical Negligence

As the attorney defending your rights to receive compensation for medical malpractice, I would diligently investigate the case to gather evidence supporting the  claim. This may involve reviewing medical records, consulting expert witnesses, and identifying instances of negligence or error on the part of healthcare providers. 

I would then craft a compelling argument demonstrating how the defendant’s actions breached the standard of care owed to you resulting in injury or harm. 

I would advocate for fair compensation to cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other damages incurred as a result of the malpractice. Through meticulous preparation and persuasive advocacy, I would strive to ensure that you receive the justice and compensation t rightfully deserved.


Alexander T. Taubes

Standing Up Against Medical Injustice

You Deserve A Fierce Legal Advocate for Your Medical Malpractice Case

Attorneys defending against medical malpractice will likely present counterarguments challenging causation, standard of care, or the extent of damages. They may scrutinize plaintiff’s medical history or argue unforeseeable complications. malpractice claims. 

We watch for procedural maneuvers designed to delay or complicate proceedings. We stay vigilant for any attempts to shift focus away from the defendant’s actions and breach of duty. 

We Counter these strategies with thorough preparation, strong evidentiary support, and persuasive arguments grounded in legal principles and medical expertise. While hospitals will engage the most experienced attorneys to represent them as the issues are both complex and damages can be extensive, we have proven to be equal to the task, and highly regarded in the field.

Free Evaluation Form

Turn to Taubes Law for a free, no obligation consultation. Fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss your case.

Contact Us Today To Schedule A Free Consultation

It is best to talk about your case as soon as you have questions. To schedule a free consultation, call New Haven office today at 203-909-0048 or fill out consultation form.